National Lockdown/November 5th November 01 2020

Dear Loyal Customers, Friends & colleagues. 

We are very disappointed to announce that our Norwich store will be in enforced closure from Thursday 5th November due to the Government's lockdown legalisation. This will last for at least 27 days. 

In this period our online business will still be very much open, with our website still delivering worldwide. We will also make click and collect available, as well as taking telephone orders. Our contact hours will be as follows: 

Monday - Friday : 1000 - 1600

Saturday: 0900 - 1030

For queries and telephone orders, please contact us via the following: 


telephone: 01603 424929

Your support was invaluable in the previous lockdown and we hope our selection this Winter will help us get through these very challenging times with your continued patronage.  

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you when we can open again!

Darren Hoggett/J&B Menswear