Store Reopening June 15th May 29 2020
We are very pleased to announce that our Magdalen Road Store will be re-opened to the public from Monday 15th June.
We have been operating from our website only since Lockdown back in March and we thank the public greatly for their support over this period. It has been invaluable.
COVID-19 is still a global issue and as a result, we will enforce government guidelines to ensure that our store is safe for our customers and our staff and are subject to change or amendment depending on regulations. Our store has plenty of space for these measures to be carried out safely with your co-operation. Some of these measures will include:
• Keeping at least 2 Metres apart from other shoppers and staff.
• Shopping alone if possible. Larger groups will not be permitted.
• Use card or contactless payment if possible.
• Changing room use will not be permitted under current guidelines.
• Hand sanitiser will be provided upon entry.
* Some areas may be restricted to staff only, e.g Toilets, Denim Bar.
We would recommend customers to use our website as first preference where possible. Postal charges are free on all items in the U.K.
If you are self isolating, unwell, or experiencing symptoms of the Corona Virus, please stay at home.
Our Opening Hours will be revised going forward. We will still open 6 days per week, but from 0930 -1700. We will still be closed on Sundays and all Bank Holidays, except Good Friday.
We look forward to seeing you all in due course, for better times ahead.
J&B Team